Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is aimed at improving mobility, decreasing pain and/or increasing bloodflow. It can include many different techniques such as: joint mobilization/manipulation, massage, cupping, dry needling, taping, and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization

Dry Needling
Dry needling is a clinical treatment that utilizes a very small diameter needle placed into painful soft tissue (muscles, tendons, capsules, ligaments, etc).
The placement of the needle is based on the patient's unique evaluation findings to directly address each patient's pain and dysfunction.
The small needle used in dry needling
varies in length depending on where in
the body the needle is placed- safety is
always the main focus of treatment!
Dry needling is not the same as acupuncture. Acupuncture uses eastern medicine principles like meridans and qi that were developed thousands of years ago to treat physical, mental and emotional pathologies.
Dry Needling utilizes the western medicine principles like neurology, physiology, and anatomy to treat neuro-physiological pathologies like decreased mobility, strength, function and pain.
While Acupuncuture and dry needling
may utilize the same monofilament
needle, their ideology and treatment
approach is significantly different.
Joint Mobilization and Manipulation
Joint mobilization is a manual therapy intervention that aims to improve the mobility of a joint by doing a prolonged, passive and linear stretch to the joint.
A joint manipulation also aims to improve the mobility of one or several joints, or to decrease pain in the area by performing a high velocity, low amplitude thrust to the joint. If you've seen a chiropractor in the past, you may be familiar with this type of intervention.
As an certified orthopedic manual therapist, I am highly trained in joint mobilization and manipulation, as well as soft tissue mobilization techniques to help decrease your pain and improve your mobility.

Other Manual Therapy
Manual therapy has a fairly broad definition. Other techniques and tools I use are list here:
Percussive massage (i.e. massage gun)
Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization