Lever Up
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Benefits Of Using LeverUp
Recovery from injury
Lever's body weight suspension system allows you to come back from injury with ease. Tendons and bones that are recovering from an injury need to be loaded but in a progressive manner. With the Lever system you can progress back to running by incrementally increasing the amount of body weight you are running with. No more walk-run progressions!
Increasing Mileage
If you have a tendency to get aches and pains or injuries when you increase your mileage, Lever can be a great way to add more mileage without adding too much stress to your body. This is where Lever has personally made the biggest difference for me.
Speed work
Lever can be helpful in improving your turnover rate and working those fast-twitch muscles (something endurance athletes tend to struggle with). Here's what lever has to say about using their system for speed work: "Overspeed workouts on the LEVER system facilitate running at speeds greater than your typical outdoor workout paces. This leads to enhancing neuromuscular adaptation and improving overall speed. Research shows that by reducing 10% of your body weight, you can run ~30 seconds per mile faster at the same heart rate and effort."
Recovery Runs
Similar to increasing your mileage, if you're looking for a way to stay active without excessively stressing your body, use Lever for your recovery runs!